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Nursing Home

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Full range of activities available

At Broad Oak Manor, you can continue to pursue your interests and perhaps pick up a few new ones with our busy activities calendar.

Whether it’s something relaxing, like flower arranging or knitting, or getting active in a gentle exercise class, there is always something to get involved in. You can take part in group activities or do things individually. Plus, any of our staff will happily spend one-to-one time with you.

Elderly ladies having tea at the barn hertford care home

Coffee mornings

The barn cafe and restaurant at hertford care home


Care home hertford garden

Stunning grounds


Arts & Crats room

Nursing Home Library Hertford


pladies playing chequers in Hertfordshire nursing home


Physiotherapy assisted living care home hertfordshire

Physio centre


Knitting bee

Care home activities hertford, elderly ladies exercising

Keep Fit classes

For the very best Nursing care in Hertford

Broad Oak Manor has an ‘Open Door Policy’ to visitors and our management team is always available to answer any questions or give advice. Please feel free to get in touch for a viewing appointment or to discuss your personal requirements.